Prof. M. Mursaleen


Foreign Visits
Invited Talks
Selected Papers

(i)  Recipient of the Outstanding Researcher of the Year-2014 Award of Aligarh Muslim University.

(ii) Identified as the second most cited author of the Aligarh Muslim University by SciVal of Elsevier, 2013.

(iii) REVIEWER for Mathematical Reviews USA since 1982 and REFEREE for the following Scienti c Journals:

Jour.Math.Analy.Appl.; Jour.Australian Math.Society; Bull.Inst.Math.Acad.Sincia; Math.Slovaca; Tamkang J.Math.; Soochow J.Math.; Bull.Greek Math.Soc.; Bull.Allahbad Math.Soc.; Indian J.Math.; Indian J.Pure Appl.Math.; Southeast Asian Bull.Math.; Italian J.Pure Appl.Math.; Information Sciences; Bull.Malaysian Math.Soc.; Publicationes Math.(Debrecen); Acta Math.Sinica; Demonstratio Math.; Fuzzy Sets & Systems; Appl.Math.Letters; J.Math.Analy.Appl.; J.Inequalities Appl.; Filomat; Math.Comp.Modell.; Comput. Math. Appl.; King Abdulaziz Univ.J.(Sci.); Math.Ineq.Appl.; Central Europ.J.Math.; Taiwanese J.Math.; The Open Math.J.; Fasciculi Mathematici; Math.J.Okayama Univ.; Iranian J.Fuzzy Systems; J.Comput.& Appl.Math.; Ars Combinatoria; Math.Modelling & Analysis; Iranian J.Sci.Tech.; Math.Communications; Abstract and Applied Analysis; Journal of the Franklin Institute; Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae; Analysis in Theory and Applications; Fixed Point Theory & Applications; Jour. of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems; Malaysian J. of Math. Sciences; International Jour. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine; Applied Math. & Information Sciences; Annales Polonici Mathematici; An.St.Univ.Ovidius Constanta Seria Matematica; Jordan Journal of Mathematics and statistics; Scientific Research and Essays; Journal of Applied Mathematics; Annals of Functional Analysis; Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences; Annali dell'Universitŕ di Ferrara; Bull. Iranian Math. Soc.; Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society; ISRN Applied Mathematics; Acta Math. Vietnamica; Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina; Adv. Difference Equations; Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Theory & Applications; Boundary Value Problems; Mathematical Sciences; Vietnam Journal of Mathematics; Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics; Quaestiones Mathematicae; Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics; Malaya Journal of Matematik; The Boundary Value Problems; Journal of Function Spaces and Applications; Acta Matematica Scientia; Journal of Analysis; Journal of Mathematics; Kyungpook Mathematical Journal; British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science; Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Mathematica; Applied Mathematics and Computation; Asian-European Journal of Mathematics; Miskolc Math.Notes; Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems; Bull.Korean Math.Soc.; Intern.Jour.Wavelets,Multiresolution and Information Processing; Bull.Iranian Math.Soc.; Functional Anal.Approx.Comput.; TWMS Jour.Pure Appl.Math.; Applications and Applied Math.; Math.Problems in Engineering; Rend.Circolo Mate.Palermo; Jour.Approx.Theory; Jour.Egyptian Math.Soc.; Jour.Appl.Math.Comput.; Jour. Analysis Number Theory; Afrika Matematika; Neural Computing and Applications; Mediterranean Jour. Math.; Analysis (Munich); Annals of Fuzzy Math. Informatics; Intern. Jour. Fuzzy Systems; Intern. Jour. Theoretical Physics.; Springer Plus; Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics; Math. Ineq. Appl.; Boletim Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática; Cogent Mathematics.

(iv) Member of the Editorial Board of

(1) Abstract and Applied Analysis (Guest Editor),
(2) Journal of Function Spaces And Applications (Guest Editor),
(3) The Scientific World Journal (Guest Editor),
(4) Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences,
(5) Thai J. Math.,
(6) Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions,
(7) Journal of Mathematical Analysis,
(8) Mathematical Sciences Letters,
(9) Mathematical Sciences And Applications E-Notes,
(10) Contemporary Analysis and Applied Mathematics,
(11) Pure and Applied Mathematics Letters,
(12) New Trends in Mathematical Sciences,
(13) Turkish Journal of Analysis and Number Theory,

(14) Journal of Analysis & Number Theory (Editorial Member),                                                 
(15) Sohag Journal of Mathematics (Editorial Member),

(16) Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics,
(17) Journal of Mathematical Extension,
(18) Aligarh Bull. Math. (ISSN-0304-9787) (Editorial Member).
(19) Pursuits (ISSN-0976-4593) (Subject Editorial).

(v) Major research projects: (a) Entitled "Some Sequence Spaces, In nite Matrices and their Applications" of UGC , under grant No F8- 14/94 (1995-97) (Completed).                                                                       (b) Entitled "Some Spaces of Double sequences and Matrix Transformations With Applications" of DST, under grant No SR/S4/MS: 505/07 (Ongoing).

(vi) Organized a two day seminar ( August 26-27,2002 ) on "Summability Methods and Matrix Transformations " at Chiang Mai University,Thailand.

(vii) ELECTED Member of A.M.U. Court , the Superme Governing Body (Dec. 1988 to Dec. 1992 and Oct. 2008 to Oct. 2011).

(viii) MEMBER of the Indian Mathematical Society.

(ix) MEMBER of Calcutta Math Society.

(x) MEMBER of the International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts USA (1992-93).

(xi) MEMBER of the American Mathematical Society.

(xii) MEMBER of the International Council of Scientists "Global World Communicator Education and Science".

(xiii) Convener of the " International Conference on Analysis and its Applications (ICAA-08) ", Department of Maths., A. M. U. Aligarh, November 3-5, 2008.